Animation showing our original robot photo and the MegaPixel version
Manchester MegaPixel took place as part of the 2016 Manchester Science Festival, during which we built a gigantic pixel image display by colouring individual pixels using red, green and blue pens. This models the way computer LCD screens use red, green and blue light to display photographs and images, but on a much larger scale!
The finished pixels were arranged inside a large window at the museum, and the image above shows the completed photo. The MegaPixel was over 10 metres high, and consisted of around 8000 individual pixels, each of which has 300 coloured segments.
Each pixel was hand-coloured by a volunteer – either at the Science Festival during the week, or by schools and community groups in Manchester, elsewhere in the UK and all around the world, and posted back to us.
Please use the links above to find downloads, and ways you can make your own Mini-MegaPixel. Thanks again to all of our team of volunteers, and everyone who came along to get involved!